AURA Chamber Choir Presents Love and Fate
Approximate running time: 2 hours
Event Notes
$25 Per Person
Including fees & charges
“The course of true love never did run smooth.” So said Lysander in Shakespeare’sMidsummer Night’s Dream. On April 12 and 13, AURA Chamber Choir will produceevidence to that truth in the form of its spring concert Love and Fate. The first half of theprogram offers a miscellany of songs about love. There’s sweet and tender love here, tobe sure, but much else: seduction, deceit, and infidelity, love that is ending or cannotbegin. The second half of the program is a selection of some of our favourite numbersfrom Carl Orff’s masterpiece Carmina Burana. In the 1930s Orff discovered a collectionof Medieval Latin and German poetry that had been found in the Benedictine abbey ofBeuern in 1803, poetry that celebrates the the return of spring, love, and the power ofFate and its mistress, “Fortuna, Imperatrix Mundi”. The inspired composer produced amodern work that evokes an ancient and folkloric music of terrific vigour—a sort ofGerman answer to Stravinky’s Rite of Spring and Les Noces. Assisted by an ensemble of11 players from the community and soprano soloist Sophia Friesen, AURA willdemonstrate definitively that in springtime, Love and Fate walk hand in hand.