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Saturday May 25 2024 7:00 PM PDT

The Sounds of Celebration

Kal Tire Place

It's a jubilant, grand celebration like no other! "Sounds of Celebration" brings people of all ages together through the enchanting power of music and dance. Join us for an unforgettable experience filled with energy, emotion, and pure entertainment.

Presented by the Okanagan Military Tattoo Society.

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Sunday May 26 2024 2:00 PM PDT

The Sounds of Celebration

Kal Tire Place

It's a jubilant, grand celebration like no other! "Sounds of Celebration" brings people of all ages together through the enchanting power of music and dance. Join us for an unforgettable experience filled with energy, emotion, and pure entertainment.

Presented by the Okanagan Military Tattoo Society.

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